I think I’m in a blogging funk. Sort of. It started when I was sick last week but seems to have continued on after that, partly due to real life demands on my time and partly due to simply not feeling interested in talking about any of the books I’ve read recently. I’m not even in the mood to finish editing the blog post ideas I have stored in Outlook drafts but I’ll keep staring at them. 

The strange thing is that I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I just haven’t been enthused enough to comment on any of them. I’m still on my Krentz kick and actually switched from Quick, finally, to straight Krentz titles after trying to start Affair and realizing I’d had enough Regency Krentz for now. I reread Absolutely, Positively yesterday. Love that one. I’ve also read/reread several other authors in-between those.

(Side tangent: What’s the Krentz title where the heroine stands in stilleto high heels on the hood of the hero’s fancy car in a restaurant parking lot when she’s mad at him? I’ve decided that’s the one I want to read next but can’t for my life remember the title. Yeah, I could search the shelves but, lordy, she’s got a lot of books to look through when I have no idea of even the size of book I’m looking for. It is a Krentz I’m thinking of, right? Of course if it is someone else I guess I could use a rereading detour just for variety’s and sanity’s sake. :D)

Anyway, until I get back in the right mood to post regularly, I’ve also been working on filling out my updated favorites list in-between reads, which I’m calling my Top 10%. That’s a goal, not an absolute value there, because basically I started by picking my top 10% favorites by any author I have 10 or more books by. (Okay, it sounded sane when I came up with the idea. ;p) After I find all those, I’m going to go back and look for any top favorites that were missed by any author. Once I have a list that I’m more or less satisfied with, I’ll post it on its own page here and probably start working my way through it analyzing, er, commenting on the individual books.

Then there’s some behind the scenes maintenance I need to do for the blog itself. I’d really like to have a three column blog but not enough to replace this theme unless I find another one I really, really, REALLY like. There are still some things I haven’t gotten around to adding to the sidebar yet so I may work on those in the next few days. Weeks. Whatever.

So, if I’m not posting much, just know I haven’t disappeared, just waiting for inspiration to strike in a big way.

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