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Happy New Year

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Merry Christmas

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Happy Thanksgiving

Over the years I’ve collected so many of these Thanksgiving “cards” that I can never decide which to use. So I simply use them all. Happy Thanksgiving.Read More →


Age of Mythology: Retold released this week!

So, I’m trying out the brand new Age of Mythology: Retold (2024) this week to mixed success. It’s a rerelease of the original Age of Mythology with major upgrades to some of the core mechanics. Basically, it’s the same game but has some new features, mainly to catch it up to today’s technology, I think. And I’m not sure I like it. Or, maybe, I’m just having trouble getting used to the new setup. We’ll see. For literally years, Age of Mythology (2002) from Ensemble Studies & Microsoft has been my all-time favorite game to play on the computer. Seriously, bar none, this is theRead More →


Ever wondered which famous books have the most movie adaptations?

This article contains a fascinating list of books that have been made into movies multiple times. And the top one is probably the most interesting… and the least surprising. At the top of the list, Dracula by Bram Stroker has had 91 movies made from it according to this and that’s not at all surprising. Should probably add “and counting” to that, too. I wondered where The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (first Oz book) would fall but then remembered that it hasn’t actually been made into that many movies. There are a lot of Oz stories out there in video but not that many thatRead More →


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Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

(originally posted June 30, 2022) I am a big fan of Scooby Doo. Not in the fanatical sense but definitely in the “Scooby Doo is comfort food for me” camp.  So usually I downright devour any series or movie they put out. Well, unless they’re absolutely ridiculous. Looking at you Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! That one is just too weird to watch. ‘Nuff said. But when Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated first came out, I actually didn’t like it. At all. In fact, I could easily say I actively hated it. And wondered what the creators were smoking. (Oddly not in the same wayRead More →


when life interrupts plans

When I decided to restart blogging on this site, I knew it would be a struggle at times due to other commitments as well as some minor health issues. Still I mentally set a goal to post regularly at least 2-4 times a week and worked out a plan to make it happen. Of course I knew that I might not reach that goal at all some weeks. To be honest, I’m in fairly good health for my age but I do have some issues that I have to deal with periodically. One of those cropped up a couple of weeks ago when I startedRead More →


In A Badger Way features Shen!

In A Badger Way by Shelly Laurenston came out today and I bought it on ebook the second I woke up. I only realized yesterday the hero was Shen Li, the panda shifter from Bite Me. I think my brain just exploded. I honestly never thought she’d give Shen his own book. Also, this definitely means I get more Vic for sure & possibly Livy from my top favorite in the Pride series, Bite Me. Double yah! Now back to reading. Read More →

The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie top ten favorites

(originally published June 14, 2018) The first seven on this list I borrowed from The Agatha Christie Companion because they’re basically a sampler of the best of Christie’s style and voice. Not to mention her ability to craft a puzzle. I like them all, some more than others, so I’ve always thought they make a good start to a top ten. These last three are my own additions to the above to round out my ten and, oddly, they are all anthologies which I think makes a nice addition anyway.Read More →


Myths of the World game list

I realized I hadn’t yet done a game list and there was only one to start off with. When I want to relax but not read or watch something, computer or video games are what I turn to. And this particular series is one of my all-time favorites. I say one of because I am also quite fond of Lego games on the Wii but I will get to those in another list. But I’ll just say up front that there’s just something very satisfying about smashing stuff that we won’t go into here. 😉 There are two things I love about this series. One,Read More →


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