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Age of Mythology: Retold released this week!

So, I’m trying out the brand new Age of Mythology: Retold (2024) this week to mixed success. It’s a rerelease of the original Age of Mythology with major upgrades to some of the core mechanics. Basically, it’s the same game but has some new features, mainly to catch it up to today’s technology, I think. And I’m not sure I like it. Or, maybe, I’m just having trouble getting used to the new setup. We’ll see. For literally years, Age of Mythology (2002) from Ensemble Studies & Microsoft has been my all-time favorite game to play on the computer. Seriously, bar none, this is theRead More →


Ever wondered which famous books have the most movie adaptations?

This article contains a fascinating list of books that have been made into movies multiple times. And the top one is probably the most interesting… and the least surprising. At the top of the list, Dracula by Bram Stroker has had 91 movies made from it according to this and that’s not at all surprising. Should probably add “and counting” to that, too. I wondered where The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (first Oz book) would fall but then remembered that it hasn’t actually been made into that many movies. There are a lot of Oz stories out there in video but not that many thatRead More →


endings that nail the whole package

Originally posted on May 16, 2006 (See addendum at end of post) I just caught myself re-watching the ending to the movie Dirty Dancing. Again. Please note that I do not own a copy of this movie and I never re-watch the entire thing. I’m not even sure I like the whole thing. Yet, somehow, I routinely manage to find a way to re-watch the last ten minutes or so of it whenever I run across it on the tube and it’s replayed an amazing number of times so that’s added up over the years. I just love the ending of that movie, though. There’sRead More →


Happy Independence Day

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From superheroes and pirates to . . . barbarians???

(first posted July 12, 2006 but it’s a topic that never grows old… for me at least) Yes, I’m suddenly obsessed with finding a romance featuring a barbarian. And I’m not even sure what I’m looking for. So, help, please. Okay, yeah, I know that was a little too vague but you know how these reading cravings are. Sometimes they are vague. All I know is that the other night I found myself looking at my shelves and thinking I was extremely tired of reading about barbarians lurking under civilized veneers in contemporaries, Regencies and, heck, even some medievals. Suddenly, I wanted the real thing.Read More →


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Okay, did anyone besides me also not know that The Green Hornet was the grand-something of The Lone Ranger?

Because honestly, I did not know this. Or if I ever did at any point it was buried so far back into my subconscious that it was lost in a memory black hole. But he was related. In the original radio broadcast he was the grandson/grand-nephew of The Lone Ranger because that broadcast was a spin-off of The Lone Ranger radio show. And then that little tidbit got lost when it went into TV because of ownership issues. Does it crop up every once in a while? I don’t know. I haven’t seen the recent movies. Any comments on that? I did some digging. NotRead More →

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Journey to Love

Travel to romance & mystery

(originally published June 16, 2010) A post Maili wrote a month or so ago about exotic locales in romances got me nostalgic for some of the “travelogue romances” of yore. Now, granted there were some good points made during that discussion about the difference between stories about visitors and actual natives of various locations but I still have fond memories of some of the old series romances that featured these types of stories. Prime examples of this sub-genre are the books written by author Glenna Finley. Although a lot of Finley’s contemporary books do take place in the Pacific Northwest, many of them are scatteredRead More →


British superheroes… um, what?

Cause I’m sure there are some British superheroes in the comics but I’m drawing a blank. Name any of today’s superheroes and you can bet they’ll be American. Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Spiderman: the list goes on and on. It’s easy to think we don’t have a single one to call our own this side of the Atlantic. But maybe we do. Homegrown superheroes: which UK characters and legends should team up? Oh, OK… that makes more sense. This was actually a fascinating article to me for a number of reasons. Let’s see, we have Robin Hood, King Arthur, Beowulf, Prospero, Cuchulain & Sherlock Holmes mentioned.Read More →

Ghost Hunter

Jayne Ann Krentz favorites (books and series)

Please note that for now I decided to focus on her series that I love and not make a full list of her rather extensive backlist. Also this list includes titles from her Amanda Quick & Jayne Castle AKAs.Read More →


And occasionally it’s all there

I’ve been winding down from a difficult week for the last two nights by rewatching The Mummy trilogy, which isn’t actually a trilogy but more a double feature of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns with an added spin-off of The Scorpion King. If you haven’t seen them, romance fans, treat yourself someday because it is all there – adventure, mystery, fantasy and real romance. Okay, mystery may be a stretch so call it suspense if you want but it’s all in one very nice package in all three movies minus the blood and gore traditionally associated with horror or action/adventure films. The Mummy isRead More →


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