Kroger does stock clinch covers. I only see them when they’re my auto-buy authors, though. I know this because I “automatically” pounced on Donna Fletcher’s Taken by Storm while grocery shopping and then realized, well, yeah, that’s a clinch cover. I blinked, looked some more and doggone it if there weren’t more there. That day, at least. So, either I’m blind half the time or these things run in cycles. 😀 Oh, and I also couldn’t resist Gwen Rowley’s Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot. I’m weak, I know, but it’s the Knights of the Round Table for goodness sakes. It’s also a Lancelot who doesn’t end upRead More →

I asked myself this at the grocery store the other day when I couldn’t find a new book to buy. No, I wasn’t looking specifically for clinch covers but it did suddenly strike me that there weren’t any anywhere in evidence. Granted the romance section of the bookshelf at Kroger isn’t that big but the only truly lurid covers I saw were in the thriller/crime section. (Yes, I know lurid is not the right word, but I can’t think of another better one. So deal with it. ;p) Have the covers really gotten that much better? Or does Kroger’s distributor simply not pass on the reallyRead More →

I recently reread all three of the Pysnergy, Inc. books by Jayne Castle and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed them just as much as originally. I was actually more surprised that I reread all three straight in a row but that’s another matter entirely. I’m honestly not sure which one of the three, Amaryllis, Zinnia or Orchid, I like the best. I think I like all of them fairly equally and if the truth be told I probably prefer their completely unconnected predesessor Shield’s Lady to both them and her subsequent Harmony books. Unconnected in terms of sequel but definitely connected in terms of where Krentz was headingRead More →

I have pictures with an Amazon Associate link. Of course, I had to add a plug-in called WP-Amazon to make it work but that was so easy to do I wish I’d done it earlier. There was another plug-in available but it had so many bells & whistles that I wasn’t sure I’d ever use that I decided against it. WP-Amazon just adds an “Insert content from Amazon” link below the write or edit post form and then lets you search for the product and pick what format you want – all without going to the Amazon site. Yes! So, naturally I had to test itRead More →

This is a mini-rant that’s been building in my head the entire day because lately it seems like every romance I read ends too abruptly and I can’t figure out why. Really, I’m not sure if it’s just me and they aren’t really that abrupt or if suddenly all the “epilogues” are missing. I put that in quotes because I don’t necessarily mean literal epilogues. At least not all the time. Sometimes all I need is a quiet moment between the hero and heroine to put a period on things but it doesn’t even seem like that’s happening with a lot of books lately. SuddenlyRead More →

Whew, what a weekend. It started out with a massive migraine on Thursday and Friday. All my fault because I ate something last week that I shouldn’t have. Plus, too, I believe my body at least thinks it’s heading into menopause no matter what the doctor says and at certain times of the month my headaches go into overdrive. Modern medicine is wonderful – except when it DOESN’T work. Okay, enough of that. Then yesterday, we lost our phone service for most of the day so I couldn’t get online. Apparently a line was cut or shorted out somehow down the road because the neighbors were also without service.Read More →

Yeah, I know, three posts in one day but I just couldn’t sit on this one. Check out the doozie Bam found today. I think I’m going to have to go read something fun until the after-image fades from my retinas. Oh, and while I’m at it, help me decide whether this one needs its own spot on the Body Parts Puzzle page. I’m undecided. On the one hand, I know what’s happening. I think. And it sort of breaks the no head rule because I’m pretty sure that’s a nose and at least one eye. On the other, what the heck is that thingRead More →

Not sure I like this one as much as the other but it has several things in it’s favor, not the least of which is that the left sidebar isn’t acting up. The other one kept bouncing to the middle of the page for some strange reason that I have yet to figure out. If I can figure out why that was happening I may keep both as alternates to each other. Still, this theme is just as simple and neat, which is a plus because I can add graphics without worrying that they’ll totally mess things up. My butterfly definitely goes better with this color scheme soRead More →

Or at least it should be soon. I finally decided to ask everyone a question about plots that I’ve been wanting to ask for a while, so check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks. Oh, and I should probably mention that I’m using my longtime online screen name of B.B. Medos for this so no one will get confused.Read More →

And I’m checking an image I may add to it. I like this theme’s simplicity and also that it’s fluid three column, although I may play with adding some images to it because it’s almost too simple. Oh, well, can’t have it all. Now to work out the glitches and restructure the sidebars. That may take a couple of days.Read More →

I started out the week binging on those ebooks by Michelle M. Pillow. Then somewhere around Wednesday I started coming down with whatever my son had over last weekend, i.e. sore throat, lots of congestion and just plain feeling yucky. So, yesterday I ended up sleeping most of the day with only brief moments of conciousness for bathroom and food breaks. I also barely looked at TV or books the entire day. Not sure how much better I feel but I definitely caught up on my sleep. 😀 As to the Pillow books, I’m really enjoying them. Well, considering that I’ve read seven straight, oneRead More →

I’d forgotten the fun of shopping online for books that could be immediately downloaded but I’ve had fun rediscovering it this weekend. Yes, I have. Plus looking up authors I’d missed lately because they were only in ebook was interesting. A little frustrating but definitely interesting. So, far, I’ve bought these: Laurens, Stephanie: To Distraction – This is the newest Bastion Club novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it, probably because the heroine had a rather unusual, er, hobby or maybe vocation would be a better word. Garner, Sharon K.: The Spaniard’s Cross – I’ve read ebooks by her before and really enjoyed them so IRead More →