1. Keishon: well, you might actually have something there because it might explain why he seems sort of suspended in air.

    Paula: off to check it out now.

  2. My cover shows body parts with no heads in sight. It took me awhile to figure out what was crossing over my heroine’s breasts and what the heck is that a hand. Check it out at New Concepts Publishing (www.newconceptspublishing.com) under author Paula Beaty or on my website and see what you think. Can you figure it out. The book is called Night Stalker.

    Paula Beaty

  3. Looks like the hero is being carried? to a car? Out of a car? Something.

  4. Mailyn: well, I think they’re in a car but beyond that I’m mystified, so when you figure it out, let me know. Oh, the back seat of a limo maybe? That actually might explain some things. Uh, no, it doesn’t either because then the legs have no body at all except the arm. All I know is that my eyes really do start crossing every time I look at it. ;D

    Jane: in this case, I think it’s more “with” the car. Either that or someone has an extra arm. ;p And what’s really weird is I’m not even sure where his other shoulder is either. He looks weirdly out of perspective. Of course, I don’t call them body part puzzles for nothing. ;p

  5. This really should be the cover of a Tara Janzen book as all her characters have sex in a car. ALLLLLLLLL of them.

  6. OMG that cover! LMAO! What the hell is it supposed to be?!?!

  7. Er, not that I know of and, even if it is where in the world would the thrid one be? Under the seat? ;p

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