And, no, I do not want “innocent, prim & proper virgin” as an answer here. For one thing it’s too long. (G)

Here’s the deal. I’m working on a blog entry about opposites in romance and realized that I need a better term opposite loner. Currently, I have “leader” vs. “loner” and it just doesn’t work for me. Well, it does but it’s not nearly as good a pairing as, say, “lover” vs. “thinker”. And, yes, I know how to use a thesaurus but for some reason that’s not helping at all.

Oh, and one other thing, it has to be gender neutral, meaning that it can apply to either a male or a female character. So, put on your thinking hats and help me out here.


  1. This is so weird. Why is it so hard to come up with this term? (G)

    Actually, I agree that it should be “socializer” at least in principle. It’s just in practice that it becomes awkward to use but I’ll give it a try.

    And yeah, my first thought was social butterfly too but that’s definitely way to feminine sounding for what I want. (G)

  2. “Social butterfly” is what comes to my mind.

  3. Loner is a negative word, anyway, isn’t it? I don’t agree with ‘extrovert’ because it’s a psychological term, rather than a social condition. I mean, anybody can be an introvert *and* extrovert at one stage of their lives, e.g. depression, happy moments, etc.

    I’d go with Socialiser as the opposite of Loner.

    I think an ability to socialise is almost always a feminine trait and a preference for solitary is almost always a masculine trait. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with gender, but to do with the dominating part of a person’s brain.
    A man’s brain may have enough feminine traits to make him an excellent socialiser [and communicator] that people relate to him well, whereas a woman’s brain may make her behave like a ‘man’, e.g. driven, ambitious, decisive and authorative and other ‘leadership’ traits that are usually associated with men.

    I’m waffling way, way off the track! I’m sorry! *sticks a timid hand up i the air* I vote for ‘Socialiser & Loner’. 😀

  4. Well, I had considered something like socializer but it almost sounds negative. And female, for some reason.

    I’ll have to think on extrovert. Hmmm.

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