So, I may be an infrequent poster in the next few days. First, I had a regular doctor’s appointment today and he started me on a new medication that may make me drowsy until I get used to it. Joy. On top of that, my mother and sister are coming in for a visit Thursday through Saturday from out of state and that’s always a busy, busy time for us all. It’s a long story that I won’t get into here, but the short version is that our father lives with me and our mother lives with her because of health problems both are having.

Anyway, will try to post individual comments on The Care and Feeding of Unmarried Men, which I did finish reading yesterday, and Simply Irresistible, which I reread after posting about ordering books connected to it, if I’m not falling asleep at the computer tomorrow. The first was fantastic, possibly the best book I’ve read this year with maybe one quibble, and the second seemed even better than I remembered it being the first time around.


  1. In other cultures, it’s interesting to note that taking care of the elderly is revered and we seem to be the only country with nursing homes.

    This is so true and something that’s eventually going to have to be addressed, since I read/saw somewhere that what with the baby boomers moving up in age, there just aren’t going to physically be enough out-of-home facilites to accomodate them anyway. We have to start thinking in terms of encouraging and facilitating in-home care and services as much as possible.

  2. As to the parent situation, it’s not something I talk about online that much, although I suspect there are others in the same boat out there.

    Yes, Yes and Yes. I know it’s not an easy job, I watched my grandmother take care of grandfather who had a stroke before he died but she took care of him with the help of her family and a few friends. In other cultures, it’s interesting to note that taking care of the elderly is revered and we seem to be the only country with nursing homes. Anyway, a discussion for another time. Take care and thanks for responding back.

  3. Thank you on both counts. I like the new place too. I still have some tweaking to do but keep telling myself to remember baby steps. 😀

    As to the parent situation, it’s not something I talk about online that much, although I suspect there are others in the same boat out there. Or, who soon will be. Having our parents with us and how it developed over the past few years has been a surprising blessing in its own way for both of us, though, so one of these days I may post some of the story.

  4. Bless you both for taking care of your parents, Bev. I just saw a similar news story yesterday where a woman with her 2 or 3 year old toddler had to take in her father and uncle. The husband moved out and eventually they got divorced. Of course in life, you never know what to expect. I know I plan to take care of mine and try my best to take care of my health as well. So, take care of yourself and I love your new blog home 🙂

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