Not from me although my son has been nagging me lately to start reading, er, listening to the series again. And I’m trying to get back to it. I am. Life has been interfering in a major way and epic fantasy is not my go to comfort zone. Seriously.
No, this is about two things he sent me related to WOT as a form of said nagging. But they’re fun so I thought I’d share.
First here’s a really good video about what the Wheel of Time is. It contains some info I’ve never heard before and I have my own fan database in the family. So this is a good video.
And next the “casting” announcement that everyone has been waiting for – Bela, the horse!
My life is complete. Sort of. Kind of. No not really. ;-p
To be perfectly honest, I think I’m more curious to see Loial the Ogier in the flesh.