(originally posted February 24, 2020)
I finally read “Dinosaurs and Nukes Don’t Mix: A Ulysses King Adventure” by Mark Beaulieu and really enjoyed it. But I will admit that it wasn’t what I was expecting. Okay, let me rephrase that. I’m not sure what I was expecting. Basically a Doctor Who type story wasn’t it. Even after reading the description.

It was very much in the style of an episode of Doctor Who only with dimension jumping rather than time travel. Oh, and a Godzilla wanna-be is tossed in just for kicks. Very enjoyable though. Reminded me more of a Doctor Who fan fiction where someone thought “but what if he wasn’t a time traveler”. Which is an amazingly good idea.
Short, yes. Took me about 30 minutes total to read it. And that was with interruptions.
But it was a fun read. And I loved his “companions” more than I have some of Doctor Who’s. So there’s that. Can’t say that much about Professor King, though, as he wasn’t front and center all that much.
Also, I discovered this story is part of an Ulysses King anthology that I may have to get. Just because. I will definitely be checking out more things from Pro Se Productions. Sometimes short stories just hit the spot for me.