1. Bev, I just want to thank you for blogging about my new book! And I totally understand that menage is not for everyone. I have certain tastes in reading material too and usually won’t go out of my “comfort zone” except with certain authors. So your point is well taken.

    A lot of my newer work – particularly the stuff coming out from Kensington Brava starting in January and March of next year – will be more “mainstream.” No menage. Nothing too kinky, but still quite hot. 😉

    Thanks for the kind words. I’m really touched by what you said and don’t sweat it if you don’t get around to this series. There will be more without menages that I think you’ll probably enjoy more. 🙂

  2. Author

    Okay, this is bad — or good. Depend on how one looks at it. The only one other than Mastered By Love that I’m missing is The Edge of Desire. How in the world did I manage to get almost all of them and not realize it?!? Okay, one of them is on ebook. That was a deviation I’ll never do again but still, I could’ve sworn, I’d skipped several.

    As to which of them I’ve actually read, I’m going to have to do some scanning to remember. It’s been that long since I looked at them. I know I read the ebook, To Distraction and the first one, but that’s about it. I still can’t believe I only have to get two, though.

    Thanks for the list, Sybil. 😉

  3. 1 The Lady Chosen

    2 A Gentleman’s Honor

    3 A Lady of His Own

    4 A Fine Passion

    5 To Distraction

    6 Beyond Seduction

    7 The Edge of Desire

    8 Mastered by Love

    lol hell I could give you characters the back of her next book The Untamed Bride has a gossary of sorts with all the info on both series… with a summary and the h/h

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