I have a real love and well, not quite hate, but definitely problem with Melanie Jackson’s books. I love the universe she’s created. No problem there. For the most part, I love the characters that inhabit it, odd though some of them are. I just have a real problem actually reading the books straight through. I don’t think there’s been a one yet that I’ve started reading and didn’t end up skipped towards the middle, finishing and then going back to the beginning again to fill in the blanks.
That habit was very much present here.
OTOH, this was a very interesting installment in her Wildside series about goblins taking over the world and, according to the author’s note at the back, it’s also the last one. I think I figured that out all on my own in the middle of reading the story, primarily because Kris is such a story-ending kind of hero. Sort of like, wow, after him anything else would anticlimactic. It was actually kind of a nifty way to end, not with so much winning the war in a final bloody battle as finding the leader they needed to tip the scales against the goblins towards peace. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t an action-packed story, however.
Oh, and in case anyone is interested, Kris is short for Kris Kringle, AKA Santa Claus or simply St. Nicolas . . . which is not a spoiler because it’s on the back of the book.