1. Harelquin was just another paperback publisher, based in Winnipeg, when they started publishing in 1949. This title would be classified more as historical fiction than romance. Some early Harlequins were the First Canadian Paperback Editions of Agatha Christie, among others. In the late 1950s, the people at Harlequin began to reprint the “doctor and nurse” stories pubished in the UK my Mills and Boon in hardcover. These were all gentle romances, nothing explicit. They found that they outsold their other “regular” titles and by the early 1960s they were only doing Mills and Boon reprints.

  2. Author

    I must’ve been trying to do too many things at once earlier because I completely missed what Keri said about wanting to get the paperback version. You know, when searching this out, I don’t believe I even saw it offered anywhere. I only ran across images of it online and then not even a reference to a collector/collection/library. There were plenty of used hardbacks and new paperbacks reprints for sale but I have to wonder how many of the original paperback even exist now. Anyone have any ideas?

  3. Author

    Yeah, I saw some archived articles, in the New York Times I believe, promoing the book, Laura. It sure didn’t sound like a romance as we think of them. It sounded a lot more soap opera-ish.

    Keri & Kat, that “Strange loves of a seaman” is the first thing that caught my eye, too, and what actually clinched it as this being the first wayback cover I decided to feature because I’ve already got several picked out. I just could not get past that tagline. Oh, and the fact that it was #1. 😉

  4. OK, having taken a quick look at the excerpts available of a newer edition of the book, I don’t think it’s what we’d call a “romance” because I have the impression that the main male protagonist dies before the end of the novel. I could be wrong, though, since I was only able to read little bits of it.

  5. It’s the caption on the paperback that got me: “Strange loves of a seaman”. Indeed.

  6. Now I want this book. I would pay a ridiculously illogical amount of money for either version of the book, though the tagline “Strange Loves of Seaman” has me leaning towards the PB.

    I must go on an internet quest . . .

  7. Yes, he does look a bit obsessed. But do you think the figurehead’s been drawn to look a bit like the photo of the author? I’m probably wrong, but I think she might look a bit like it, if one saw her in profile.

    A while ago RfP found a short article about the book, from 1945. It doesn’t answer your question, as there’s no mention of whether or not there’s a HEA.

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