Okay, just for the record this post will probably contain some slight spoilers but, seriously, anyone who doesn’t have some idea of the major beats of this story has been living in a cave for the last three decades.
Anyway, my children got me these two videos for Mother’s Day. Boy, do they know their mother.
My son and I ended up watching it together on Mother’s Day and the only thing that really threw us was starting out with basically the New 52 Superman in The Death of Superman… who was hooked on and apparently dating Lois Lane. Not that we had any quibble with that. We just wondered if he’d had a lobotomy at some point in an animated movie we missed.
Once we got past that point, these two videos were both fun, packed an emotional punch and just really good writing. I actually had to re-watch them (at least once) to make sure they are as good as I thought on first viewing.
They are. Very much so.
And this is from someone who loved the Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League (yes, I did/do) plus the Superman: Doomsday animated video. The thing is that these latest two are more faithful to the original comic story (with minor tweaks for the setting they start out in) than those others. Plus I loved that Lois was the major focus of both movies but especially the second one when she tries to figure out who the new Supermen are.
Oh, and there was this one fight in Lex Luthor’s building in Reign of Superman that was a simply phenomenal action sequence.
I could go on and on and may at some point but instead of doing that now I dug up a couple of reviews that I totally agree with.
Oh, and then of course there was the pay-off of the black suit…

…and other things.