This one’s for Heather
Cause I thought of her when I first saw it. Probably because it reminded me of steampunk. o.ORead More →
Cause I thought of her when I first saw it. Probably because it reminded me of steampunk. o.ORead More →
Or maybe not. I’m still mulling it over. First off, I’ve had a lot going on lately but I have been reading and lurking here and there. One of the esoteric “there’s” that I allow my inner self are various design sites just for the sometimes inspiring, sometimes amusing but almost always “oh, wow” images that pop up. Just recently I ran across a brand new blog to check out along those lines: The Steampunk Home I believe that Steampunk is more than just brass and watchparts. It’s finding a way to combine the past and the future in an aesthetic pleasing yet still punkish way.Read More →
I’m trying to be more diligent about giving heads up for any good discussions I run across and/or join into on the web. Most of the time, I figure new book finds can wait until Friday but what’s the point of waiting to tell you about the posts I’m already commenting on? That makes no sense. And sometimes those are about books. It’s a confusing conundrum so the confusion stops here. (At least for me. You could very well still be scratching you head. 😀 ) Anyway, just to catch you up, here’s what I’ve been up to lately. Book 1: Heather over @ The Galaxy Express postedRead More →