Super Love and Kisses (AKA Happy Valentine’s Day)
I make no secret about my love for Lois & Clark. I saved this one for Valentines Day because it makes me smile. So curl up with your super bestie. Or a good book. Both work.Read More →
I make no secret about my love for Lois & Clark. I saved this one for Valentines Day because it makes me smile. So curl up with your super bestie. Or a good book. Both work.Read More →
I started out the week with several posts in the works. Then life took over. As a result, I haven’t had much time to work on anything much at all. So I decided to simply do an update post on what’s in the works. More or less. Godzilla, Godzilla, Godzilla For Mother’s Day my kids got me a two volume set of Godzilla movies from the 1990s/2000s. Since then my son and I have been working our way through them in chronological order, a couple at a time. It’s both fun and mind boggling. You wouldn’t think there would be a lot of variety in themRead More →
The first is one of the most iconic images of them kissing because it evokes her finding out his secret. Read More →
I make no secret of the fact that I love Lois & Clark/Superman. I also love a lot of different versions of the characters. But I have to say that these New Frontier retro versions of them are really special. I have the Justice League animated video of The New Frontier and I love that it’s so different so much that I don’t even care that Lois is only in it for a couple of scenes. So good. So when I saw these panels, I literally squeeged. Am I imagining it or would these make excellent Halloween costumes/cos-play? Read More →
I’ve been saving this picture since I went to the Superman Celebration in Metropolis in June this year because I knew Lois Lane’s “birthday” was coming up. What can I say, we spent a wonderful day there where of course I picked up some wonderful Superman swag: a Metropolis, Illinois, Superman swag bag to hold all the goodies in a small wooden jewelry box that has absolutely nothing to do with Superman but that has a gorgeous picture of woman (girl?) in period dress reading on the top three new Superman tee-shirts, all very different in style a new Superman mug The Kryptonite Companion, aRead More →
There are few TV series that I feel truly deserve the honor of being collected in their entirety. Stargate SG1 is one of them. Truth to tell, I’ve only recorded two other start to finish in my entire life – Star Trek: The Next Generation and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I still haven’t gotten the DVD version of ST:TNG – eleven years worth is damn expensive, you know. I have upgraded to the DVDs of L&C. We didn’t record SG1 ourselves either. Not sure why, but this was simply a series that one knew was going to be merchandized so weRead More →
I may be a little distracted from thinking about books over the next week or so since I bought a copy of the new season one Lois & Clark DVD yesterday. Good thing I currently have a small backlog of blog posts ready to go online. (G) God, I miss this series, though. It’s not just that it had a fantastic romantic comedy emphasis or that there was such amazing chemistry between the two leads, Dean Cain & Teri Hatcher. It’s all that and the fact that it was a more grown-up approach to the Superman myth, taking it out of the adolescent stage ofRead More →