This may actually be more of a “where is she now?” post but it all started when my daughter asked about one of her books that I had moved from the keeper shelves in my bedroom to the “reserve” shelf in the basement. Anyway, the book in question was Firestorm and I ended up rereading part of it. Not bad. Great virgin hero. Great reason for virgin hero, too, being that he was a warrior monk and had been with the order since childhood.

Whatever, it got me to wondering whatever had happened to this author. I mean her books weren’t the worst futuristics but I haven’t heard anything about her in years. The only website I’ve found so far is for an Inspirational Romantic Fiction author with no mention of the older books. Some of the books on that site, though, come up on an Amazon search with the older futuristics and are also listed with them on Fantastic Fiction.

So, are we talking about the same author or not? Anyone know for sure?


  1. Okay, doesn’t Cinnamon Burke have a fairly well-known writerly alter-ego? My tired brain is thinking so but not coming up with who it is. Owe, it hurts when I think that hard and nothing happens. I’ll get back to you on that one. ;p

  2. Can’t answer your question, but hey, that one sounds a lot like a Cinnamon Burke book I read a couple of years ago. The hero had a very similar history!

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