I know we readers are a strange lot but authors let characters romp around in their heads on a regular basis and then many of them admit – out loud – that those same characters get out of hand and take over.
It’s a good thing I crave the stories they write or I’d have serious reservations about being around some of them if you know what I mean. 😀
Hey, I’ve written fan fiction. So, I can somewhat “see” what they’re saying but I’m still ultimately the one writing the words down. I also decided it was a lot of hard work, too. 😉
Then again, with fan fiction, part of the appeal is that you’re working with pre-existing characters who are constrained within proscribed canons already. Hmmm.
Food for thought.
What Wendy said–LOL.
It seems most creative people, no matter the art, are a little “out there” 😀
Yeah, exactly. 😉
Although, it does leaves one wondering who to blame sometimes when the stories are bad. Or good, either for that matter. 😀
I gotta be honest – I’ve never understood that. How authors claim that the characters “take over” and “hijack” the story. I mean, hello? Who is the writer here? The imaginary character who isn’t REAL? Or the flesh and blood author who, you know, actually EXISTS?
But then I’m not a creative type. Seriously. A rock has more creativity than I do. So maybe that’s why I don’t “get” it.
At the end of the day I don’t care how it gets done, I’m just glad it is. I want me some books to read.