Well, if it’s a really good flashlight, that is.
So, a couple of weeks ago we had a high wind event with winds that reached lower hurricane levels. This is a very unusual occurrence for our area seeing as we are in western Kentucky. There wasn’t a lot of widespread structural damage but our electric grid took a major beating as several hundred poles came down. As a result we had no electricity from mid-day Friday thru late Sunday afternoon. We were probably lucky to have it back that fast, too.
But, seriously, by the second day of our blackout I was totally bored. I finally resorted to, gasp, reading. Well, something not on my phone, I mean. Yeah, I got really desperate and dug out a few trade paperbacks. I would’ve tried rereading a regular paperback but having to switch back and forth from sunlight to lantern-light pointed towards not straining my eyes as much. So, trade it was.
Anyway, first, I reread Bite Me by Shelly Laurenston. I still haven’t figured out exactly why I adore this book. But I do. It just hits all the right buttons for me. Always has. So it was a perfect comfort read for the circumstances.
Also, back last fall, my son had gotten the Origins of the Wheel of Time: The Legends and Mythologies That Inspired Robert Jordan by Michael Livingston. Of course being the obsessive fan that he is he actually got it in multiple formats. Luckily one of them is a trade sized hardback. I had been meaning to check it out for awhile but something always got in the way. No lights seemed like the perfect excuse. The author warns anyone who hasn’t finished the series – which I haven’t – that it’s spoiler heavy. But I didn’t notice anything that I hadn’t already picked up by osmosis from being around my son. Of course I stopped before diving into the last section that’s basically a glossary for the series and where I suspect most of the spoilers can be found. It is honestly a really good read full of “aha” moments of understanding why Jordan wrote what he did. The way he did.
So that’s a summary of a very odd weekend.