I was browsing on Ebookwise last night and noticed that an interesting number of romances had bright red lettering at the end of the descriptions noting that they’d won awards of this or that.


Could it be that either the ebook authors or the ebook publishers or just Ebookwise itself is getting, er, wise?

I really don’t care which, but here’s the thing, I almost bought a couple of books I was sitting on the fence about just because of those bright red letters and probably would’ve if I hadn’t been just popping in to check the information on a couple of books. As it is, I’ll most likely be going back soon. Amazing what the proper placement of subtle persuasion can do, isn’t it? As opposed to beating people over the head with it, I mean.

ISN’T IT?!?!?


P.S. And for all I know, they’ve always noted the awards a book has won, but I’ve never noticed it being in bright red letters before this. Really. So either I haven’t been paying attention or this is a new development. Because it jumped out and bit me this time. Seriously.

1 Comment

  1. Wow.

    The PUBLISHERS are promoting awards? Who ever would have thought of that? /sarcasm

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