Several weeks ago I talked about starting to listen to Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time books on Audible because of a promise to my son. He is a devoted fan that has author signed hardbacks, collectibles & tee-shirts. He’s also so excited that they’re finally making a Wheel of Time TV series and wants me to watch it with him when it airs.
Big puppy dog eyes are involved here.

So I’ve committed to reading, OK, listening to the entire series and I’m enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I’ve already finished book one, The Eye of the World, reached the middle of book two and not sure when I’ll totally have to take a long break because I can’t see getting through all fourteen without some major burn-out.
That’s simply being practical because it’s just that these books are so out of my comfort zone it’s ridiculous. I’m a devoted, longtime romance reader and romances aren’t known for being lengthy. Or having involved world building. Even the cozy mysteries I also like to read aren’t that long. And I normally get my science fiction through videos not books.
Why are fantasies the really long ones? Why? Why?
So, since I need to keep reassuring myself that I can do this I’ll probably be sharing some of “fun” along the way, like updates as I finish each book plus other odds and ends. Not reviews or summaries because this fandom is huge and the amount of stuff online already is enormous. Which is actually rather helpful because, aside from having my own personal info source in my son, the online Wheel of Time wiki has become my constant companion, just to keep things straight in my head. The chapter summaries alone are helping me keep my place in the audio books, too.
There are spoilers on the wiki so be careful where you tread but at this point I ain’t worried about spoilers. I need explanations. A lot of them.
But, in all seriousness, I gotta admit that I’m loving this journey so maybe I needed the reading change of pace. Let’s see how long that lasts. 🙂
Anyway, for those who may not be that familiar with Wheel of Time at all here is a video about the main characters that probably gets right to the heart of why it’s so beloved – very interesting characters.
I’ll see if I can find a description of the larger WOT world, which is a fascinating one I admit.
Any fans out there?