1. 91 times?


    I mean, not shocked it’s at the top of the list, but. 91 times?

    I’m often surprised to learn that “Little Women” has only been adapted seven times, and most of Austen’s novels not even that many times.

    1. Author

      Yeah, not shocked either but I may have to see if I can find an actual list of Dracula movies. Because, wow, 91 does seem like a lot. Of course, also have to remember that they started doing Dracula movies in the silent era plus if they’re counting TV movies? 91 may actually be a low estimate.

      I’ve only actually seen one or two adaptations of Little Women even though it made a big enough impression on my growing up that I named my daughter Amy because I fell in love with the name in Little Women.

      It doesn’t surprise me that Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is on that list but I can’t help wondering where Peter Pan would fall.

      Oh and sorry for taking so long to approve the comment over the holiday weekend.

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