I have a post today up on Romancing the Blog. This one is a topic I’ve actually had on the back burner for several months and never quite felt like posting. Or rather every time I thought it was almost ready, something else would come up and I’d scramble to put together a new spur of the moment post. So, we shall see which is the better approach. 😉Read More →

I was browsing on Ebookwise last night and noticed that an interesting number of romances had bright red lettering at the end of the descriptions noting that they’d won awards of this or that. Heh. Could it be that either the ebook authors or the ebook publishers or just Ebookwise itself is getting, er, wise? I really don’t care which, but here’s the thing, I almost bought a couple of books I was sitting on the fence about just because of those bright red letters and probably would’ve if I hadn’t been just popping in to check the information on a couple of books. As it is, I’llRead More →

No, I haven’t disappeared, just been busy. As most of you who’ve been visiting here for a while know, my elderly father lives with me and has dementia. He’s had a bad spell for the last week. Nothing truly serious, mainly just some escalating behavior issues that ultimately required some changes in his medications. What with one thing or another, though, every time I thought I had time and mental energy to post, it never quite panned out right. Hopefully, since he has started on some new medication, I will be able to catch up properly this weekend. I have been reading right along though because I gotRead More →

I think the biggest problem I’m having with blogging about books lately is that my brain is wanting to do some writing and I’m suppressing it. I’m still reading a lot but when I’m not I find myself playing with stories ideas, both fan fiction and original. I have a couple of unfinished Lois & Clark stories plus at least one original universe that I’ve been playing with for years. It took me a while to figure it out, but I think thinking about them is draining away the mental energy I need to write up anything about books. Except for the bare minimum, that is.Read More →

My mother and sister decided to visit a great aunt in a neighboring county and I passed on the trip. So, I’m vegging out in the sunshine on the deck this morning with a reread of one of Lynn Michaels’ called Return Engagement. I don’t often indulge in single title contemporaries without paranormal elements in them but when I do they usually have a hefty dose of what I call plain old every day “life” humor in them. (Think the opposite of chick-lit. ;p) The two of hers I have read, Mother of the Bride and this one, qualify in this regard. I think there’s at least two more spun-offRead More →

My mother and sister will be arriving in town later today and staying until sometime Monday. They’re going to be bunking with an aunt, so that’s one less worry, but I’ll probably offline more than I’m on most days they’re here. Just wanted to let you know why there won’t be any posts here during that time. Okay, there may be one or two if I get a minute or two but I seriously doubt I’ll get any reading done while they’re here. 🙁Read More →

I just loved the post by Linnea over at Alien Romances today. People do have a tendency to look at independent thinkers a little oddly. Okay, a lot oddly. And readers are very independent when you get right down to it. We’re wired that way. We read alone and think things out on our own. So, I guess it’s really not probably more surprising that there aren’t more explosions, er disagreements between us than there are online. I’m not sure how we agree on anything. Just saying. ;pRead More →

No, this isn’t a religious post. It’s just that ever since I had bronchitis in January, I seem to have gotten into a routine (habit?) of sleeping away Saturday whether I want to or not. It sure isn’t planned. It’s like on that day of the week, no matter what I do, my body decides it’s time to shut down and rest. I’ve even tried to psyche myself into just taking it easy and watching TV or videos if I didn’t have something else planned and fallen asleep watching them. Reading works somewhat better but it has to be a truly gripping brand new read. AndRead More →

There’s an interesting post and comments up by Rosario on Romancing the Blog that has me asking something that I’ve almost asked in response to posts from some other blogs recently. Really, it’s come up on so many lately that I thought I’d ask it here because it’s started to bother me. A lot. Where are all these millionaire stories being sold that show they’re what fly off the shelves because they’re what romance readers want to buy the most? The reason I’m asking that in an almost whine is that I’m not even seeing them in the stores here. Okay, maybe I’m not looking for them. That could beRead More →