While I was on vacation (hence the lack of posts recently) I found out Babylon 5 was streaming on Amazon Prime now and I immediately started binging on it. As in being on vacation but not traveling so have some time to kill and suddenly the only thing I’m doing besides eating and sleeping is watching this show type binging. You know it’s a lot easier to binge shows that only have 13 episode per season… with Babylon 5 we’re talking at least 20 episodes so it’s taking awhile. Needless to say vacation’s over and I’m still binging when I have the time. So far I’ve gotten to the middle of Season 4 and I still haven’t lost interest enough to stop binging in odd moments.
B5 tends to get overshadowed by the Star Treks and the Stargates. I’m a diehard Stargate fan with the exception of Universe. Rewatched SG1 so many times I could probably quote most of the dialogue at times. I’ve inhaled, uh, watched and rewatched all the Star Treks. And then, of course, there’s the newer Battlestar Galactica (of which I was never a fan but my son absolutely adored it so I got exposed to it enough to follow the plotline… mostly). They all have their good point and bad points.
I have admit, though, that I had forgotten just how good Babylon 5 was or is. The first season is a little slow what with building the universe and establishing the main characters. But then it picks up in the second, third and fourth and it’s like wow. The action never stops. If I remember correctly the last/fifth season is like a reverse mirror to the first what with clearing up plotlines and bringing everything to a close. But seriously that’s part of what makes it good overall. How many series do have definite beginnings, middle and ends without feeling like they are rambling all over the place until someone decides to turn off the lights?
Also it gets bonus points from me because I had completely forgotten that one of my favorite actors (Bruce Boxleitner) was on it.