Sort of.
Or maybe it’s definitely an idea ahead of its time. Maybe technology is finally catching up with the concept. Again, sort of.
I found this article several weeks ago but didn’t feel like doing anything with it. To be honest I wasn’t even sure I was going to use it on the site. Then I actually reading the whole thing. I was amazed. Seriously amazed.
Saunders opened his automated grocery in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had first founded Piggly Wiggly, the first “self-serving store,” as he called it, twenty years prior. By the twenties, he had hundreds of stores and had radically changed the industry, inventing the basic grocery store template we know today. (He even patented the concept). Prior to Saunders’ interventions, grocery shopping involved a retinue of clerks taking customer orders, afterward everything changed. (“It shall be said by all men,” Saunders proclaimed at his first store’s opening, “that the Piggly Wigglies shall multiply and replenish the earth with more and cleaner things to eat.”)The First Automated Grocery Store Opens in 1937

Piggly Wiggly was the first… what?
Of course, I first got stuck on the part about Piggly Wiggly being the first self-serving store. And had to look that up.
I think my brain short-circuited
Within a generation, first, this man, Saunders, revolutionized grocery shopping. Then he attempted to take it completely into the future. Maybe. I mean with what are we seeing nowadays with stores doing deliveries and pick-ups more again, maybe the past is the future.