I haven’t done any Wheel of Time related posts lately, mainly because I haven’t been reading/listening to the books. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to them over the holidays. But since they’ve made several casting announcements recently I thought I’d mention the one yet to be announced casting choice that seems to concern fans the most.
That would be for Bela, the horse that leaves Two Rivers with our protagonists at the beginning of the series and somehow manages to pop up periodically over the rest of the books. I’m not kidding, this is a very serious topic with die-hard fans.
It’s bizarre and yet sort of endearing at the same time.
Example from a fan post:
Bela! Which ever Horse gets the nod to play Bela, they have big shoes to fill. Bela is the most loved Wheel of Time character and her casting could make or break the TV show. They need to get this right!
Pretty much the word for word sentiment seen in comment sections all the time.
You’d think they think Bela is some sort of WOT goddess…