My mother and sister will be arriving in town later today and staying until sometime Monday. They’re going to be bunking with an aunt, so that’s one less worry, but I’ll probably offline more than I’m on most days they’re here. Just wanted to let you know why there won’t be any posts here during that time. Okay, there may be one or two if I get a minute or two but I seriously doubt I’ll get any reading done while they’re here. 🙁


  1. Cindy: Ain’t it the truth? I actually retreated to the beauty salon for a quick haircut yesterday because I was all panicky from my bangs driving me nuts and I swear my regular stylist probably thought I was a babbling idiot. I was all “Get these things out of my eyes, my mother and sister are coming.” She must get “family nerves” a lot though because she took it in stride. ;p

  2. Yikes! Family time is great but stressful in it’s own way 😉 Have fun!


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